Rabbi Dr. Jason Weiner, BCC, serves as the senior rabbi and executive director of the Spiritual Care Department at Cedars-Sinai in Los Angeles, where he is responsible for the chaplaincy team and all aspects of spiritual care throughout the health system. He is also the rabbi of Knesset Israel Synagogue of Beverlywood.
Rabbi Weiner previously served as the assistant rabbi at Young Israel of Century City. He has earned two rabbinic ordinations, as well as a Doctorate in clinical bioethics from Loyola University (Chicago), where he also earned a master's degree in bioethics and health policy, in addition to a master's degree in Jewish history from Yeshiva University. Rabbi Weiner has completed four units of clinical pastoral education, and is a board-certified chaplain.
Rabbi Weiner is a member of the executive committee of the Cedars-Sinai Bioethics Committee. He is past president of the Southern California Board of Rabbis and has been honored with Rabbinic Leadership Awards from the Orthodox Union and Chai Lifeline. In 2023 he donated a kidney to a stranger. He frequently serves as a scholar-in-residence at conferences and synagogues throughout the nation on topics related to Jewish medical ethics, pastoral care, health and wellness, and he teaches hands on Jewish medical ethics in the hospital to numerous Jewish high schools in Los Angeles.
In addition to dozens of book chapters and articles, he is the author of three books: Guide to Observance of Jewish Law in a Hospital (Kodesh Press), Jewish Guide to Practical Medical Decision-Making (Urim Press), and Care and Covenant: A Jewish Bioethic of Responsibility (Georgetown University Press), which was a finalist for the Rabbi Jonathan Sacks Book Prize.
Jewish Journal Cover Article on Rabbi Weiner's Kidney Donation
Rabbi Weiner Named One of Ten American Rabbis You Should Know of
Mishpacha Magazine Cover Feature Article
Jewish Journal Feature Article
Ami Magazine Cover Feature Article
Kesher Magazine Cover Feature Article
On Rabbi Weiner’s Work in the Hospital During Holidays
On Rabbi Weiner’s Work in the Hospital During the Pandemic