R Weiner's numerous Shiurim and Lectures on YUTorah
Fundamental Principles of Jewish Medical Ethics
End of Life Issues and Jewish Law
When Halacha and American Law Conflict
Mental Health Issues and Jewish Law
Medical Aid in Dying/Assisted Suicide in Jewish Law
Fertility Issues in Jewish Law
Hilchot Shabbat Series (Laws of Shabbat)
Lecture on Pediatric End of Life Issues
Jewish Hospitals in America
Practical Medical Ethics Update for Rabbonim
Pre-Implantation Genetic Diagnosis (PGD) in Judaism
Abortion: background sources & contemporary practical applications
The changing role of chaplains during the pandemic
Breast Cancer Awareness in the Jewish Community: New Life Saving Technology and Halakhic Issues
OU Tehillim Call Divrei Chizzuk 5/19/21
OU Tehillim Call Divrei Chizzuk 6/7/22
OU Tehillim Call Divrei Chizzuk 1/18/23
Accidental Killing in Medicine - Must one go to an Ir Miklat Nowadays? The case of RaDonda Vaught, RN
Bikkur Cholim: Removing 1/60 of Illness and the concept of Ben Gilo
Artificial Intelligence (AI) in Medicine: Particular Concerns and Strategies for Observant Jews
Can Artificial Intelligence (AI) have a soul? And what difference does it make?
Playing God: Bioethics & CRISPR Gene Editing
CRISPR Gene Editing in Halacha and Hashkafa
Rabbi Weiner interviewed on JM in the AM
Rabbi Weiner interviewed on the Headlines Radio Show: Medical Ethics
Rabbi Weiner interviewed on Headlines II: Minyan on Vacation
Rabbi Weiner interviewed on Headlines III: Suicide
Rabbi Weiner interviewed on Headlines IV: Organ Donation
Rabbi Weiner interviewed on the Sacred Aging Podcast
Rabbi Weiner interviewed on Arutz Sheva
Rabbi Weiner interviewed on Judeology Podcast
Rabbi Wiener Interviewed on KFI AM-640 on High Holidays During COVID
Rabbi Weiner Interviewed on NPR – All Things Considered
Rabbi Weiner interviewed on Gross Anatomy Podcast
Rabbi Weiner interviewed by YU Sacks Center Podcast on his book becoming finalist for Sacks Book Prize
R Weiner interviewed by R Address on Jewish Sacred Aging Podcast
R Weiner interviewed by R Mark Wildes on The Wildescast MJE Podcast
R Weiner interviewed on New Books Network Podcast
R Weiner interviewed on Bioethics for the People Podcast on AI in Medicine