Rabbi Weiner is available to speak on the following topics:
Some of Rabbi Weiner’s most popular lecture topics include:
- Incredible Stories from the Front Lines: Confronting Complex Ethical Scenarios and Dilemmas in the Hospital
- Miraculous Stories and Kiddush Hashem in the Halls of Medicine
- CRISPR Gene Editing & Artificial Intelligence: Jewish Values in Confronting the Brave New World
- Anti-Aging Longevity Drugs: What will Halakhah say?
- Advance Directive/Ethical Will Writing Workshops
- Organ Donation and Judaism: Rarely Considered Factors
- My Kidney Donation Experience: personal and halakhic factors
- Alternative Medicine, Reiki & Energy Healing
- Is Prayer Ever Futile? Efficacy of Prayer for the Terminally Ill
- Universal Healthcare: A Jewish Perspective
- Conscientious Objection & Involvement with Halakhically Problematic Interventions
- Cremation in Jewish History and Jewish Law -a Chaplains Approach
- Self-care and limits of healthcare providers responsibilities
- Jewish values in caring for and making medical decisions on behalf of unrepresented, unidentified and homeless patients
- The status of an Embryo & Abortion Pills in Halakhah - A Jewish approach to recent Supreme Court Rulings
- The most cutting edge medical and scientific advances of the past year: halachic and pastoral approaches to navigating a rapidly changing world
- Covid - Lessons Learned from the Front Lines

He also frequently speaks on:
1. Facilitating Shared Decision-Making
A. Understanding Terminology: Key Concepts to Facilitate Collaborative Decision-Making
B. Truth-Telling: When Painful Medical Information Should and Should Not Be Revealed
C. Mental Illness: Capacity and Proper Treatment in Accordance with Jewish Law
2. How Much Treatment?
A. Pediatrics and Jewish Law
B. Palliative Care and Hospice in Jewish Law and Thought
3. At the End of Life
A. Guide to Filling out an Advance Directive or POLST Form
B. Withholding vs. Withdrawing: Deactivating a Ventilator, Cessation of Dialysis, ECMO, Cardiac Defibrillators and Artificial Hearts at the End of Life
C. Patients who request Physician-Assisted Suicide: Towards a Nuanced Approach
D. Essential Jewish Principles of End-of-Life Decision Making
4. After Death
A. Definition of Death in Jewish Law & Strategies for Conflict Mitigation
B. Jewish Customs at the End of Life and After Death
C. Jewish Guidance on the Loss of a Baby or Fetus
D. Autopsy and Jewish Law
E. Burial in a Mausoleum and Jewish Law
F. Jewish Ethical Issues in the Sale of Organs
5. Reproductive Questions
A. Genetic Testing, Disclosure of Results, and PGD
B. Assisted Reproductive Technology: Fertility Issues, Artificial Insemination, IVF, Surrogacy & Egg Donation
6. Chaplaincy Related:
A. Why Do Bad Things Happen to Good People? A Chaplains Approach
B. Where's My Miracle? On Miracles and Judaism
C. Bikkur Cholim: Pointers and Insights for visiting the sick
D. Bikkur Cholim and geriatrics: supporting our elders when they are not well
7. Additional:
- Running a Jewish Organization in the 21st Century - What does it mean to be a Jewish Hospital?
- Running an Interfaith Department in a Jewish Way
- Achieving and maintaining spiritual well-being/wholeness
- Halakhic and philosophical issues related to using an interfaith chapel
- Halakhic issues related to people who are transgender in the Orthodox community
- Finding and cultivating your purpose in life